We are pleased to announce that we will participate in Study: Art & Creative Fair, an official art fair, to be held on Sat. 23 December - Sun. 24 December, 2023.
The art fair is one of the programs of "Study: Osaka Kansai International Art Festival vol.3", a program to examine and learn the relationship between art x people x society from Sat. 23 December to Thur. 28 December, 2023.
We will collaborate with 5 artists, and exhibit artworks with our device SMARTFOLDER Container, that you can appreciate and purchase the exhibited works.
We look forward to seeing you at our booth.
Artists who collaborate with us

Study: Osaka Kansai International Arts Festival vol.3 "Study: Art & Creative Fair
Dates:Saturday, December 23 - Sunday, December 24, 2023
Opening time:Saturday, December 23, 11:00-19:00, Sunday, December 24, 11:00-16:00
*Last admission 30 minutes before closing on both days Tickets:Combined Ticket for Study:Osaka Kansai International Art Festival・Art & Creative Fair
※For more detail information, click here.
Oficial website:Study: Art & Creative Fair